Monroe Township Trustees Meeting 04/16/09
Several resolutions focusing on an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Annual Phase II Storm Water Management report of 2008 compliance activities and a Notice of Intent to file for Coverage under the Ohio EPA Small MS4 General Permit were passed by the Monroe Township trustees on March 16.
During a detailed presentation at the Monday evening trustees meeting by Special Projects Coordinator Mary Lou Wilson, the 2008 EPA Phase II Storm Water Management Program report was laid out for the trustees before the resolution passage. Areas specifically noted in this report included rules mandating pollution control activities in small communities, delegation of authority on implementing Storm Water Phase II regulations in Ohio, and statement of an exact square mileage portion of the township designated as urbanized.
The Notice of Intent to file for coverage under the Ohio EPA Small MS4 General Permit notifies the Ohio EPA of a change of the status of Monroe Township from a permittee to that of a “co-permittee” with Miami County. The $200 fee involved for this permit will be paid by Miami County. The resolution passed by Monroe Township states that the Annual Discharge fee for the urbanized area of Monroe Township will be paid by Monroe Township. This discharge fee is based upon census figures to establish the number of square miles designated as “urbanized” by the EPA. Currently the annual discharge fee is $225. However, this could change once new census figures are in for the 2010 census.
The trustees also agreed at the Monday evening meeting to pay a 2009 membership to the Honeycreek Watershed Association; pass the 2009 permanent appropriations totaling $1,597,513.00; and pay this week’s bills totaling $34,793.16.
The annual springtime cemetery cleanup in the township begins March 23. After allowing a week for this cleanup, area residents are invited to place spring and Easter floral decorations anytime after March 30.
In other reports, those participating in the March 14 recycling event at the maintenance facility on Michaels Road numbered 86. As a reminder, a special used tire recycling program is being held at the Miami County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, March 31 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Pre-registration for Miami County residents is required by contacting the Miami Soil and Water Conservation District (MSWCD) no later than March 20. Tires are accepted if they are no larger than 17 inches and if the rims have been removed from the tire. There is also a charge of 50 cents per tire, and a limit of 10 tires per registrant.
The trustees discussed with Tipp Monroe Cable Access Commission (TMCAC) members, Dave Werts and Bryan Stewart, changes regarding Time Warner Cable’s franchise agreement with the township. Under a new Ohio law, Time Warner has applied for and been designated as a Video Service Provider (VSP) by the State. This automatically terminates the existing franchise agreement and replaces it with a VSP agreement. The township will collect fees through this agreement to replace the lost franchise fees, but Time Warner Cable will no longer pay the rent for the KIT-TV local cable access studio, nor will they provide further annual equipment funding of $3,000/year. TMCAC will be signing a new lease with the township and presenting a new budget and request for additional future funding to the trustees and the City of Tipp City.
The trustees will be attending a Tri-Agency meeting on March 30. This meeting is to be hosted by the Tipp City Board of Education.
The next regular township trustees meeting is set for Monday, April 6 at 7 p.m.
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